Resource Library

If you are looking for information or resources, Hospice Northwest Services Resource Library can help!

Our specialized collection of books include subjects on:

  • Serious illness
  • Hospice
  • Death and dying
  • Spirituality
  • Grief and bereavement
  • Caregiving
  • Illness of a parent or sibling
  • Death and grief

Library materials may be borrowed free of charge with borrowing privileges offered to anyone who has registered as a patron of the library. A self-signout procedure is posted for your convenience.

The Resource Library is situated inside our office at:

63 Carrie Street
Thunder Bay, ON P7A 4J2

We would be happy to accept donations of any current materials that complement our subject headings above.

For assistance or enquiries, please contact the Hospice Northwest Services office at (807) 626-5570.