2025 Hike For Hospice 50/50 Raffle! Draw Date: May 30, 2025


Hospice Northwest Services is a community volunteer organization that complements, enhances and delivers end of life care, including grief and bereavement services. The mission of Hospice Northwest Services is to foster a compassionate community response to the needs of anyone living with, dying from, or affected by illness and disease.


Hospice Northwest Services will be a leader in providing compassionate companionship, education and support to individuals and their families as they travel through the final stages of life and death.


Courageous, Community Focused, Compassionate Caring, Conscientious

We are:

Courageous: Hospice Northwest Services provides culturally safe care at the end of life in areas that are challenging, diverse, underserviced, under-resourced and sometimes forgotten.

Community Focused: Hospice Northwest Services responds to the needs of the community. Our grassroots organization strives to promote normalization of dying and death in our community and region.

Compassionate Caring: Hospice Northwest Services provides a high quality service utilizing specially trained and well supported volunteers from a variety of backgrounds.

Conscientious: Hospice Northwest Services is governed by a volunteer board of directors, responsible for the sustainability of the organization, now and into the future.