2023 Annual Campaign

We know that

Each fall, Hospice Northwest launches our Annual Campaign, as a way to raise much needed funds to support those at end of life and those who are grieving, thus ensuring our services remain free of charge for our clients.

This year we are focused on raising funds to support our grief and caregiver clients, two programs that are not covered in our annual Ministry funding.

Please consider joining our special community of donors and play a key role in the provision of grief support programs and caregiver services for the children, teens, adults, and families we serve.


How does Hospice Northwest benefit our community?

Grief Support

The pain you experience after a death in the family or loss of a loved one can be overwhelming. The grief you are feeling can include powerful emotions. Our volunteers provide support and companionship, while respecting your privacy and security.

Palliative Support

Volunteers are matched with a client on a one-to-one basis. Their role includes being a sympathetic companion and helping in whatever way they can during difficult times. The service is managed by the client and will vary according to the client's specific needs.

Caregiver Support

Providing care to a person who is ill can be both very rewarding and very difficult. Whether you are a hospice volunteer or a family members/friend providing support to a loved one, Hospice Northwest is dedicated to providing assistance to you as you care for others.

Outreach Support

Hospice Northwest is dedicated to supporting all community members through their grief and loss journeys. The Community Outreach program was designed with consideration of community members who have loss and grief support needs that often go unmet.


"Grief is the worst possible thing you can go through."

“Hospice Northwest Services volunteers are there for you, to help you feel like you can make it through the day."
~Stephen, Hospice Northwest Services grief client

Grief is hard. Hospice Northwest volunteers are here to help.

Stephen's wife Marlene was diagnosed with cancer in January 2019 and died in December 2019. She was 56 years old. They were married for almost 40 years.

Eventually Stephen reached out to Hospice Northwest Services. He was matched with Katherine, a HNWS volunteer with many years of experience supporting those who are grieving.

"Katherine made me feel like it's okay. It's okay to be alone, it's okay to work on yourself and some of the things you need to do. As men, we don't tend to do that very often. It gave me the opportunity to figure out how to live my life."

Money raised through the Annual Campaign will be used to continue to fund Hospice Northwest's grief support program. 


Caregiving is Hard. Hospice Northwest Services volunteers are here to help.

Terry is his wife Debby's primary caregiver. Debby is 71 years old and living with dementia in a long-term care facility.

“I reached out to Hospice Northwest Services because I can’t be with Debby 24 hours a day. I really wanted someone to visit her when I can’t be there. I wanted someone to walk with her and hold her hand because she likes to hold people’s hands."

Terry and Debby have been living with the devastating effects of dementia for the past 11 years. Debby’s disease has gotten progressively worse.

"Debbie has always been a very sociable person. She loves people, always has a smile for everyone. At this point in her disease, she can’t really speak, but you can still see the love she has for others in her eyes.

I kind of look for her all the time - I miss her. That’s what it comes down to. It’s been a tough go, with losing her. When she first moved in to long-term care, it was very difficult and it still is. You can still see that smile she has though, on a good day."

Terry expresses his appreciation for his Hospice Northwest Services volunteer.

“It helps so much because having those visits means that my wife isn’t alone – that’s the biggest thing for me. I can’t bear the thought of her being left alone.

The folks at Hospice Northwest Services have given me a great deal of comfort. They really do care. If I can help them in any way, I will."

Please consider donating to the Caregiver program during our Annual Campaign to ensure clients like Terry continue to receive the support they need.

Terry Photo 2023-08-16, 9 10 08 AM

"The folks at Hospice Northwest Services have given me a great deal of comfort. They really do care. If I can help them in any way, I will. I ask you to do the same". 

-- Terry, HNW Services Caregiver Client