2025 Hike For Hospice 50/50 Raffle! Draw Date: May 30, 2025

Monthly Giving Program

Since 1986, Hospice Northwest Services has been committed to providing quality palliative and bereavement care and support to Northwestern Ontario. Hospice Northwest Services is a hospice without walls. We define hospice as a philosophy of care, rather than a place. Our specially trained palliative care volunteers provide emotional and spiritual support for clients and their families in their homes, hospitals or long-term-care facilities.

With diverse but limited funding sources, we fundraise annually to be able to continue to offer this type of quality programming ensure our services remain free of charge for those who need them.

Please consider joining our special community of monthly givers and play a key role in the provision of grief support programs and palliative services for the children, teens, adults and families we serve.

Charitable Registration #118871011RR0001

Mary Anne Comuzzi

As a caregiver, I had such peace of mind knowing that a Hospice Northwest Services Volunteer had been in to visit with my Aunt in her final days. It gave me great comfort to know my Aunt was not alone while I received a break. This is why I invest time & money into this worthwhile organization.

Mary Anne Comuzzi

Monthly Giver

What does your monthly support provide to our vulnerable clients dealing with a life limiting illness or struggling with grief?

$25 per month

You will provide grieving children with 5 HUUG kits

$50 per month

You will fund training for 2 Journey Home volunteers

$100 per month

You will support one HUUG monthly workshop

Make a Difference Throughout the Year

Please consider joining our special community of monthly givers and play a key role in the provision of grief support programs and palliative services for the children, teens, adults, and families we serve.

Pamela Henderson

There was no greater gift than knowing my Mom would get rest when our volunteer would come at night to take care of my dying father. This is why I give of my time and money to Hospice Northwest.

Pamela Henderson

Monthly Giver