Community Outreach Program
Hospice Northwest Services has several Outreach programs including Gashkendamide'e Grief Support Group for Indigenous Peoples, PACT Training (Pallitiative Advocacy Care Team), and Journey Home Team.
Each program was developed with and for community members who often have needs that go unmet.

Gashkendamide'e (Be Grieved from the Heart) Grief Support Group for Indigenous Peoples
Led by an Elder, this two-day workshop is delivered in a culturally relevant and spirituality-based manner. It was developed with a "Two-Eyed Seeing" approach that incorporates Western grief theory and Indigenous strengths and wisdom. This loss and grief workshop is individualized depending on the unique needs of each participant and has at least one Indigenous Helper who has experience, education, and knowledge in grief and loss support.
This workshop was developed locally and in collaboration with Indigenous Elders, leaders, and community partners.
Training is also available across Ontario to become a Helper that would deliver this workshop.
PACT Training
This workshop developed with and for frontline workers who support people who are vulnerably housed and have chronic or life-threatening illnesses. This session will answer questions regarding client care through interactive activities and discussions. It will also offer practical solutions that can be utilized to enhance quality of life and access to care services for people with chronic or life-limiting illnesses.
This 6-hour workshop provides usable and practical information about integrating a palliative approach to care with the existing knowledge and expertise workers have regarding a harm reduction approach, relationship development, and meeting people "where they're at".

Journey Home Team
Hospice Northwest Services' Journey Home is a program aimed at providing compassionate support to clients with a life limiting illness who are vulnerably housed (living in shelters, supportive housing, etc.). Journey Home volunteers receive a minimum of 6 hours of training to support their clients. They are committed to ensuring those who are vulnerable and underserved do not die alone. If you would like more information on this special team, please contact our Volunteer Coordinator at 807-626-5572.
Journey Home volunteers help clients by:
- Building trusting relationships
- Visiting their clients in local shelters
- Advocating for their clients' care
- Taking their clients to appointments
Receive Community Support
If you are interested in any of our Community Outreach Program, please contact Kimberley Ramsbottom at 807-697-2676.